
Building Industrialization
Detailed Design Moulding Design Precast Production On Site Construction Guidance Factory Layout Design Technical Training

Precast Production

Yau Lee Group has produced concrete precast components for a number of building construction projects. In 1998, the company was entrusted by Hong Kong Housing Department for the precast project and precast production for the first time. We have been taking a leading position in the design, production and installation of building precast production in Hong Kong. The group not only supplies for its subsidiaries, but also provides precast components for other real estate developers and contractors. We specialize in designing and producing customized building components in line with the according to customer needs, each product can be designed according to the requirements, standards and technical specifications of the projects. To this day, we have produced a variety of concrete precast products, including precast bathrooms, kitchens, beams, stairs, exterior walls, window sills, balconies, structural walls, semi-precast laminates, wall panels, refuse chutes, and lightweight concrete precast products. The surface of concrete precast parts can be tailored according to customers' needs, such as ceramic tiles, paints and fiberglass. Apart from that, we also provide lightweight dry partition walls/aerated lightweight concrete dry partition walls, iron and metal products, sinks, cooking stoves, aluminum windows and fiberglass products.









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