
Building Industrialization
Detailed Design Moulding Design Precast Production On Site Construction Guidance Factory Layout Design Technical Training

Molding Design

Molding components are the most essential link in component production and construction industry chain. Molding design has a decisive role in the production of the components and the quality of the finished products. Well-designed molding components can facilitate the smooth operation during component production, thereby improving production efficiency, simplifying mold type, increase the times of the mold revolution, and enhance the quality of the components. The content of molding design include: material selection, structural design, processing approach, standards, acceptance, etc. At the same time, we are equipped with independent design teams and workshops for mold components for continuous products R&D, including precast exterior walls, precast stairs, precast laminates, precast toilets, precast parapet walls, precast roofing water tank, elevator shaft, etc. In addition, we can also design and produce as our customers required.    









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